Purple March

“Gender Equality is more than a goal in itself. It is a precondition for meeting the challenge of reducing poverty, promoting sustainable developments and building a good society.” – Kofi Annan
Despite a surge in literacy, stringent pro-women laws and multiple sensitization agendas, the acts of misconduct against women in India haven’t reduced. Instead, the crimes have become more frightening and dreadful!
Purple March is an initiative by IECCI, where everyone participates equally irrespective of their gender, age, class or social status; in order to create a safe & positive environment for women. We at Purple March, resist and detest violence and crime against women and strive to put an end to all of these unfortunate happenings against them and work on making females financially independent.
Pink symbolizes Women/Feminism and Blue symbolizes Man/Masculinity. When both the colors mix, they form “Purple”.
Purple March envisions – Informed, empowered and independent women, to bring gender equality and respect for each other.
We believe that this can be achieved through:
#1: Stopping Violence against women- Addressing the deep-rooted conditioning in men & women that give birth to gender inequality. We would like our efforts to help encourage and inculcate better social and moral values in families and individuals since the lack of these is what causes crimes against women.
#2: Empowering women – Through livelihood, skill development drives, awareness generation initiatives, seminars, workshops, networking events, talk shows, newsletters, programmes, etc.
Broadening the coverage and meaning of “Purple”, we have started working for the Special groups, specially abled and senior citizens too in the cell.
Purple Sanskar Clubs:
Purple Sanskar Clubs are the association of volunteers of Purple March, which promotes and contributes to the cause in the select geographical area.
The following are activities of purple sanskar clubs:
- Sensitizing people and generating awareness about the rights and laws pertaining to women, special groups, disabled and senior citizens
- Social patroling
- Counselling
- Lobbying and advocacy in the related matters
- Interacting with authorities for the issues of concerned
- Organising cultural programmes /workshops/symposiums/meets/ gatherings, etc on the cause with community participation on the topic
- Mock drills
- Teaching Self-defense: Physical and mental strength- Safety tips to women
- Raising the voice: Magazine/newsletter: Discussion form on website
- Moral values: Sanskar pathshalas for children on weekly basis
- Economic development: Livelihood generation for women/youth/specially abled/special groups
- Formation of dedicated portal for women having all resource materials, legislation, etc.
Accolades – Purple March:
- Empanelled with Ministry of Minority Affairs for Leadership Development of Minority Women